Confidently choose the right tools to

tackle any project, and proudly say,

“I did it myself”?

Have you ever felt the frustration of having a great project idea but lacking the confidence to bring it to life?

Are you...

  • Overwhelmed by the options in power tools, do you wonder which ones are essential for your DIY projects?

  • Are you afraid of mishandling the tools and injuring yourself?

  • Are past failures or the lack of proper guidance holding you back? Are you wondering how to regain your DIY mojo?

I got you...because I get you!



Frustrated with waiting for someone else to tackle the honey-do-list? Are you eager to learn the skills so you handle the repairs on your own?



If you are recently single or newly divorced, are you seeking the confidence and skills to conquer DIY projects on your own?



If you have purchased a fixer-upper or been in your home awhile, are you dreaming of beautiful home renovations without breaking the bank?

  • You could confidently pick up any power tool, know exactly how to use it, and create beautiful, functional projects from scratch.

  • You could transform the house you have into the home you love with DIY home decor and accents that reflects your unique style.

  • You no longer had to wait for someone else to handle repairs; instead, you could tackle every item on your honey-do list with ease and expertise.

  • You felt a surge of confidence every time you walked into a hardware store, knowing exactly what tools you needed and how to use them effectively.

  • You could gift your loved ones with handmade, heartfelt creations, from personalized home décor to unique, handcrafted gifts for every occasion.

  • You no longer felt limited by your lack of skills but instead felt empowered to tackle any DIY challenge that came your way.

I understand the challenges that many women face when it comes to DIY projects, especially those involving power tools...

...The fear of the unknown, the worry about safety, and the frustration of not knowing what tools work best for each project can be overwhelming.

I know what its like to move into a house...

...and wanting so badly to make it a home you and your family are proud of. This can be tough if time and money are in short supply.

Suddenly, after 25 years I was single. Yep...a 48 year-old woman who had never lived alone. I moved into a new place...basically a box with 4 walls and a ceiling and I wanted to make it a home I could be proud of. I was essentially starting over but that's okay because I had a good foundation to write my new story.

I didn't just create a home; I crafted a new life for myself, filled with confidence and independence.

"Those DIY skills I picked up over the years became my SUPERPOWER!"


Sawdust & Moxie is a 4-week power tools course that will teach you the skills needed to bring your DIY project ideas to life.

You've got your ideas saved on Pinterest. You've made a list of projects you'd like knocked out before your family comes into town. You've found several gift ideas you like to make for the holidays.

What are you waiting for???


Module 1: Intro to Power Tools

Learn the basics of power tools, their purpose, why they're important and how they can change your life. We will also address best safety practices when using power tools.

Module 2: Tool Selection & Setup

Master the art of selecting the right tool for the job and discover how to set them up correctly. Engage in practical online demonstrations featuring drills, saws, sanders, and nail guns .

Module 3: Power Tool Techniques

Learn how to effectively use a variety of drills, saws, sanders and nail guns through step-by-step video tutorials. These skills will give you the confidence to tackle those DIY projects head-on..

Module 4: Bringing Your Ideas to Life

It's time to put your knowledge into practice! Let's look at your current to-do list, apply the skills you've learned and start turning your DIY ideas into finished projects.

  • SHORT, EASY-TO-WATCH VIDEO TRAININGS. Each module has brief, easy-to-consume videos to teach you all you need to know to start your power tool journey!

  • WEEKLY Q&A's. Every Tuesday for 4 weeks at 12:00pm CST, I will be on a Zoom call. You will learn so much, not only from getting your questions answered, but also listening to the questions of others!

  • ACCESS TO OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY. This is a safe place to ask questions, share inspiration, encourage, and learn from one another.

  • TOOLS & RESOURCES. Every module includes various PDFs, checklists, and more! These will help you stay on track and see your progress!



  • Learning to handle power tools with confidence and determination.

  • Increased self-confidence by mastering a new skill and successfully completing DIY projects, no matter how big or small.

  • The skills to handle DIY projects independently, reducing the reliance on others for home repairs and improvements.

  • Engaging in creative projects and successfully completing DIY tasks to relieve stress and overwhelm

  • Updating your home to reflect your style and personality.

  • Searching for new DIY inspirations because you have the skills to make them happen.

You might be thinking...

  • Is it really possible to learn how to use power tools online?

  • List common objections and how this program overcomes them.

  • List common objections and how this program overcomes them.

Frequently Answered Questions

These are answers to almost every question that were asked from us previously. Insert text...

Will I need to buy my own tools?

Yes and no. If you are serious about starting to DIY, you will definitely want access to your own set of basic power tools. I will provide you a list of tools we are using in the course. If buying tools is not in the problem. Ask a neighbor or family member if you can borrow their tools to practice. If you have a DIY Bestie, you can go in on tools together to keep the costs down.

When does the course start?

Whenever you are ready! The course lessons are prerecorded videos. You can watch them at your convenience. You will have lifetime access to watch these videos over and over again.

Answer to question 3

60-day money back guarantee!

If you have Completed the course in its entirety and are unhappy with the content, please email for a full refund. No refunds will be offered after 60 days regardless of reason.

Pricing Table

Name of Option 1

  • List the features included
